
Archive for the ‘Interesting’ Category

of Dreams and Things

April 27th, 2005

How do you pen a dream? Four and a half years doesn’t really feel like that long ago now. Patience is hard but amazingly rewarding.

Looking back over the last three years (well, almost three years) till now, I see how totally impossible everything was. But it all works out. I love the impossible. It lets you know who’s really in charge. I foolishly think I’m in charge some of the time. Ah, ‘seven wonders crowed the man’…

the bud that holds its crimson prize,
slowly recedes the outward guise,
to bloom before my marveling eyes.


Simply amazing

April 17th, 2005

Wow. A single piece of information. It’s interesting how much it can affect.

I found out something today that is very good. Yes, very good. It made such an impact that I had to post about it. This is something I’ll need to watch very closely… Man, I’m so beyond pumped.

Okay, I need to settle down. Now if only my probe would call back and report…

Yeah. Cool.


Protected: Thoughts and Notes

April 12th, 2005
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